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 You and you and you and me! 

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Inspiration and process support

Everyone is talking about teams, team building and team building measures - but what is usually meant is an event after which the manager hopes for a better, coordinated and interlocking, regulated workflow.


If you want that, then you'd better look for an event manager and process optimizer. For us, the name says it all.

  • Mobbing

  • Burn-out

  • Rückenschmerzen ...

One person always wants to keep an overview, the next one wants to get his work done as quickly as possible, the next but one wants to constantly introduce improvements and the next but one wants to deal thoroughly with every work step. Actually a successful team composition for the perfect completion of work - but unfortunately it is rarely perceived as such.


In many departments and specialist teams, the job descriptions and requirement profiles of their employees are the same. This means that people with similar qualifications work closely together. But also the composition of specialist teams with similar competencies  and key qualifications do not guarantee team spirit. 

But what is a team? What is a group?

And how does a group become a team?

The best thing about teamwork is that you always have others by your side.

Margaret Carty

  • Mentaltworkshops

  • Work-LiFe-Balance Seminare

  • beratungshotline ...

The overarching purpose

The construction of a raft, the challenge in a team game, securing each other in the high ropes course - what is obvious in all team building events as an overarching purpose and welds the group together is not recognizable in everyday work. The task packages often flow into each other, one work order follows the next. The spirit and the overarching motive that everyone contributes to is no longer tangible. 

Together we go on a search for the overriding meaning and discover the individual talents and life motives of the individual team members, get a new understanding of communication and cooperation and find something that is more than the sum of its individual parts.





Wir verbinden Themenseminare und eine Hotline-Telefonnummer für eine leichte Form der Kontaktaufnahme bei Problemen








New Work needs a new corporate culture

New Work needs - if it is supposed to be good - good support

New Work needs employees with a new culture of thinking

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Nimm den Hörer in die Hand, wir freuen uns auf deine Fragen

 With us


the whole thing becomes more

than the sum of all individual parts. 

because human complexity is at home with us.

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Paula Drettas


thinking artist

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Sascha Spitz


serenity gift giver


Kult-X eG in formation
cultural development

of organizations and companies

Ilbenstadter Strasse 12

60385 Frankfurt

Phone: 069 96 86 71 30

Mobile: 0151 67 21 01 12

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